In collaboration between Sherren Gross, indigenous artist and Artisans Effort, Kolkata the message or talking stick has been created. The embroidered design/emblems on the textile padded ngariba-dinir represent (as explained with the accompanying information card) important aspects of Sherren’s tribal family from North Stradbroke Island (off the coast of Southern Queensland). Ngaribar means message and dinir means wood or stick.
“On this message stick the symbols represent, creek, waterhole, people sitting down, Tea Tree, Tribal Totems, Snake, Pearl Shell and Dolphin. We follow the creek up to the water hole which is a brown lake coloured from the tee tree leaves. We gather here. We are salt water people from Quandamooka”
Traditionally messages, stories and coming events were sent by carvings made on solid rounded wood as communication between clans. Just as the message stick played an important part in communication and protection between Aboriginal groups, today in the classroom the message stick can be a valued item. The person holding the message stick has the right to speak, to be respected and not be interrupted. The message stick is presented in a carry textile bag.
Size: Length is approx. 30cm and width approx. 9cm
Copyright Sherren Gross 2018 . Royalties paid to Indigenous Artist.
This wonderful unique item has been lovingly made by the extremely talented artisans at Artisans Effort in Kolkata, West Bengal , India. Many of the artisans were previously exploited and badly treated in their original workplace. Through your purchase you are helping the artisans regain their dignity and receive a fair wage. For all these artisans and their families it is their lifeline and escape from poverty. As Artisans Effort is a producer based organisation all the Artisans needs and difficulties are closely understood . Not only does this purchase help to enrich the lives of many producers but it also helps to fund a school established in January 2014 by the founders of Artisans Effort, Ejaz and Shaista. The school is based in Asansol (West Bengal). As well as admitting paying students, Artisans Effort also covers the cost for some needy students.